Dell preparing Glass to challenge iPad !!

Engadget has received leaked documents from Dell detailing a 7-inch tablet called Looking Glass that runs the Android OS using an NVidia T20 (or Tegra 2) processor and could provide the type of competition for the iPad that HP’s forthcoming Slate tablet may not be able to provide.
Dell is positioning the Looking Glass as a big brother to the 5-inch Streak, which is due later this summer. The Looking Glass differentiates itself from the Apple tablet in a few interesting ways. First, it comes with a sizable 4GB of RAM, includes an SD card slot for additional storage and a 1.3-megapixel camera, and even offers an optional digital TV tuner module so you can watch live TV on the Dell unit. Of course, the leaked marketing materials point out that the Looking Glass runs Flash and supports multitasking.
There are a couple of potential bummers, including a resolution of just 800×480 (the same as the Streak’s) and a launch date several months out: November, to be exact. The delay could be related to Dell getting its hands on the new Nvidia mobile processor, which is designed to provide more horsepower for HD video and gaming than Intel’s Atom has mustered to date. (In comparison, the Streak is using a Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU, but also sports a 5-megapixel camera.)
So is the device that can give the iPad a run for its money? Could Dell succeed as the flamboyant underdog in the fledgling tablet market? 

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